Cultivating A Resilient Organization

Strength through Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) Certification for Organizations

The Strength through Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) Certification is a comprehensive program designed to empower organizations to address the pervasive impact of trauma. It equips teams with tools to recognize trauma's effects, improve client services, and strengthen internal dynamics. Through creating STAR Champions and focusing on awareness, communication, and policy implementation, the certification helps organizations build a resilient, supportive environment. STAR Certification is more than just coping with challenges—it's about thriving in the face of them, fostering a culture of understanding and empathy that benefits staff, clients, and the organization as a whole.

Organizational Membership in The Healing-Centered Collaborative

Upon achieving STAR Organization status, organizations can elect to join the Healing -Centered Collaborative, gaining access to a dynamic community committed to advancing trauma-informed and responsive practices.

More information coming soon.

Safe Space Certified Organizational Coaching

Safe Space Certified Organizational Coaching, centered on Non-Violent Communication (NVC), addresses the complex challenges faced by modern workplaces, including trauma-impacted environments, generational shifts, and toxic dynamics. This innovative program offers a structured, empathetic approach to core communication issues, helping organizations reduce conflict, enhance managerial performance, adapt to change, retain talent, and build resilient cultures. Through interactive individual and group coaching sessions, organizations learn to pause, reflect on communication patterns, and develop effective strategies for high-stress situations. By investing in these improved communication skills, companies create a foundation for a more resilient, adaptive, and harmonious workplace culture, capable of navigating current and future crises with confidence.

Integrated Support for Resilient Organizations

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